Meta Mucil 4 In 1 FIBER Orange Smooth 1.04kg (Sugar Free)



  • Digestive system making you feel sluggish? Start by taking Metamucil Multi-Health Fiber Powder every day to trap, remove the waste that weighs you down* , so you feel lighter and more energetic** . Metamucil is the only leading brand made with Psyllium Fiber^, a plant-based fiber that helps promote digestive health* . It also helps you control appetite* , maintain healthy blood sugar levels* , and lower cholesterol†. See how one small change can lead to good things!
  • Direction

  • For adults 12 years and older
  • DIGESTIVE HEALTH* by promoting regularity - 1 rounded tablespoon up to 3 times per day
  • HEART HEALTH† by lowering cholesterol - 1 rounded tablespoon up to 3 times per day
  • HEALTHY BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS* take before each meal - 1 rounded tablespoon up to 3 times per day
  • APPETITE CONTROL* take before each meal - 2 rounded tablespoon up to 3 times per day
  • Thins should be eaten with at least 8 oz (a full glass) of liquid. 
  • Drink promptly and enjoy!
  • Side effects

  • This product may cause allergic reactions in people sensitive to inhaled or ingested psyllium.
  • Consult your doctor or pharmacist prior to starting or stopping a new medication.