Pap Smear Test (Conventional + HPV Test Vs. Thin-Prep Pap Smear + HPVT Test)

Conventional + HPV (Detection + Genotyping)

Now you can get medical advice and treatment by our healthcare providers from the comfort of your home or office


1.  Conventional Pap Smear + HPV Test (detection+Genotyping)
2.  Thin-Prep Pap Smear + HPV Test (detection+Genotyping)

Testing for cervical cancer in women

Step 1:  Add item to cart

Step 2:  Make payment

Step 3:  Our Provider will call you to schedule a visit

Step 4:  Our Provider will share the result when ready

You can message us at anytime if you have questions on how to book or further questions regarding your results.  Our telegram and telephone info:  +85599914657

**Price Includes Home Nursing Fee