BEDELIX 3g 1x30sac



This medicine is used in the symptomatic treatment of functional colopathy, i.e. to treat the symptoms associated with a functional colon disease (a disease that affects the proper functioning of the intestine).


Montmorillonite beidellitique    3g


  • Oral route: The content of one sachet may be stirred into a half glass of water or mixed with a semi-liquid food. 

-  Adults: 3 sachets per day

-  Children under 2 years: 1/2 sachet, once or twice a day

-  2-5 years: 1/2 sachet, two to three times per day 

-  5-10 years: 1 sachet, twice a day

  • Rectal route: the content of one sachet may be mixed with 100ml of lukewarm water. The resulting suspension should then be introduced into the rectum using an enema syringe.

-  Take between one and three sachets of BEDELIX, 1-3 times per day.

Side effects

Skin rash, Quincke's oedema, itching, urticaria

Consult your doctor or pharmacist prior to starting or stopping a new medication